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ICS4ICS Exercises

ICS4ICS exercises allow participants to understand the value of ICS4ICS by showing how the ICS4ICS team manages many aspects of a cyber incident.

Benefits of ICS4ICS Exercises

  • Expedited resolution of cyber incidents by providing effective management processes
  • Establish the Incident Commander as the final authority to make decisions
  • Provide clear roles and responsibilities of all ICS4ICS Team members
  • Ensure all cyber incident staff are performing their work based on the same set of orders
  • Allow the various teams to focus on their work to resolve the incident while receiving periodic directions from the ICS4ICS Team

"ICS4ICS helped us validate our Incident Command System knowledge by running an exercise that helped us identify gaps in our incident response plan. Most importantly, it brought together our IT, Control Systems Group, and ERT to work collaboratively."

- Durgesh Kalya, OT Network Security Expert

ICS4ICS Exercise Materials

ICS4ICS videos

Demonstrates an overview of how the ICS4ICS team works together.

Watch Virtual Exercise Video 


Used during the ICS4ICS exercise or an actual cyber incident

View Forms

ICS4ICS Exercise Presentation

Presentation used to lead an in-person or virtual exercise with players acting out the various roles OR show videos of recorded players

View Presentation (coming soon)

ICS4ICS Exercise Hosting Guide

If you need help with an ICS4ICS exercise, contact
Cyber Image

FEMA and Other Exercise Materials

The ICS4ICS exercise materials were developed based on:

Past ICS4ICS Exercises

The ICS4ICS exercises provide an excellent way to understand ICS4ICS and the various resources, procedures, and processes. These exercises are scripted to help new participants play the various ICS4ICS roles. The exercise can also be delivered using prerecorded videos that are combined with a tabletop discussion with exercise participant to ensure they have the resources and organization capabilities to be able to perform during an actual cyber incident. The ICS4ICS Team uses the feedback from ICS4ICS exercises to improve the exercise, processes, and other materials. The participants provide feedback at the end of the exercise as part of a Hot-Wash. These are some of the past ICS4ICS exercises:



Comments and Links

Virtual exercise

Jul 13, 2023

Jun 28, 2023

Cyber conference (Polish)
May 24, 2023
OT ISAC in Singapore
Sept 7, 2022
ICS4ICS Exercise at S4
April 18, 2022

ICS4ICS Exercise Team

The ICS4ICS exercise team creates most of the ICS4ICS exercise materials and many of the ICS4ICS resources. The team meets monthly.

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